Removing and Manipulating Time portion from DateTime in SQLServer
One of the common transformation we would have to do as part of ETL would be manipulating Time portion. Please see some of below code, which would help to resolve some of the time related transformation
Case1 - Getting only Date portion from DateTime
/* Removing Time portion from DateTime
-- Standard date with time
getdate() As DateWithTime,
-- Returns Date Portion Only
dateadd(d, 0, datediff(d, 0, getdate())) As DateOnly
Result as below:
Case2 - /* Removing Seconds from DataTime */
/* Removing Seconds from DataTime */
declare @t datetime
set @T = GETDATE()
SELECT @T as Original
,DATEadd(ss,-datepart(ss,@t),@t) as wihtout_sec -- if no
as OneMore_Variation
Case3 - We want to Keep Hours but remove Minutes and Seconds from DateTime
/* Keep Hours but remove Minutes and
Sec from DateTime */
select Dateadd( hh, DATEDIFF(hh,0,getdate()),0) AS DateWithHours_No_MinutesAndSeconds
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