Get Database Size Stats

Please see below query, which will help you to get stats for Capacity planning such as

Database Name - Name of Database
Creation Date - When database was created
Space Allocated - How much space is currently allocated
Growth Still Available - How much space is available in Database to grow
Space Used - How much is currently been used
Data Size - Size of data file
LogSize - Size of Log file
and so on

Query used to get above stats, you can use below SQL Query

       NAME: GetDatabaseSizeStats
       PURPOSE: Displays all known database sizes and space allocations.

DECLARE @sysdb BIT -- 1 for include sysdatabases ,0 for Not include sysdatabases
DECLARE @order int -- set the order of columns
DECLARE @orderby bit -- 0 for asc, 1 for desc

set nocount on
SET @sysdb = 0
SET @order = 1
SET @orderby = 1

declare @id int
        ,@type character(2)
        ,@pages bigint
        ,@dbname sysname
        ,@datasize bigint
        ,@logsize bigint
        ,@reservedpages bigint
        ,@sqlstring varchar(2000)

create table #spacetemp (
        id int identity(1,1)
       ,DBname varchar(500)
       ,DBcreationDate datetime
       ,DBsize decimal(10,2)
       ,Avispace decimal(10,2)
       ,Datasize decimal(10,2)
       ,Logsize decimal(10,2)
       ,DBStatusid bigint
       ,DBStatus varchar(200)

create table #stemp (
        sid int identity(1,1)
       ,mdfpath varchar(200)
       ,ldfpath varchar(200)
       ,ds bigint
       ,dl bigint

insert into #spacetemp (DBname,DBcreationDate,DBStatusid,DBStatus)
       select [name],crdate, status
              when status=1 then 'autoclose'
              when status=4 then 'select into/bulkcopy'
              when status=8 then 'trunc'
              when status=16 then 'torn page detection'
              when status=32 then 'loading'
              when status=64 then 'pre recovery'
              when status=128 then 'recovering'
              when status=256 then 'not recovered'
              when status=512 then 'offline'
              when status=1024 then 'read only'
              when status=2048 then 'dbo use only'
              when status=4096 then 'single user'
              when status=32768 then 'emergency mode'
              when status=4194304 then 'autoshrink'
              when status=1073741824 then 'cleanly shutdown'
       from master..sysdatabases
       where status!=512
         and dbid > case    when @sysdb=1 then 0 else 4 end

Declare @sDBname varchar(500)
Declare @sDBcreationDate datetime
Declare @counter int
Declare @Maxid int

set @counter = 1
select @maxid = max(id) from #spacetemp

while (@counter<=@maxid)
       set @id=0
       set @type =''
       set @pages = 0
       set @datasize = 0
       set @logsize = 0
       set @reservedpages = 0
       set @sqlstring = ''

       select @dbname = DBname from #spacetemp where id =@counter

       IF @type = 'SQ'
              SELECT @id = object_id FROM sys.internal_tables WHERE parent_id = @id and internal_type = 201 --ITT_ServiceQueue

       set @sqlstring= 'insert into #stemp (ds,dl)
              select sum(convert(bigint,case when status & 64 = 0 then size else 0 end))
               ,sum(convert(bigint,case when status & 64 <> 0 then size else 0 end)) from ['+@dbname+']..sysfiles'

       exec (@sqlstring)

       select @datasize=ds,@logsize=dl from #stemp where sid=@counter

       update #spacetemp set
               DBsize = ltrim(str((convert (dec (15,2),@datasize) + convert (dec (15,2),@logsize))
               * 8192 / 1048576,15,2))
              ,Avispace = ltrim(str((case when @datasize >= @reservedpages then
               (convert (dec (15,2),@datasize) - convert (dec (15,2),@reservedpages))
               * 8192 / 1048576 else 0 end),15,2))
              ,Datasize = ltrim(str((convert (dec (15,2),@datasize)) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2))
              ,Logsize = ltrim(str((convert (dec (15,2),@logsize)) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2))
        where [DBNAME]=@DBNAME

       set @counter = @counter+1


set @sqlstring='
[DBname] as ''Database Name''
,[dbcreationdate] as ''Creation Date''
,convert(varchar(200),[dbsize])+'' MB'' as ''Space Allocated''
,convert(varchar(200),[avispace])+'' MB'' as ''Growth Still Avail''
,convert(varchar(200),[dbsize]-[avispace])+'' MB'' as ''Space Used''
,convert(varchar(200),[datasize])+'' MB'' as ''Data Size''
,convert(varchar(200),[logsize])+'' MB'' as ''Log Size''
,[DBstatus] as ''Database Status''
from #spacetemp order by '+case @order
when 1 then 'DBname'
when 2 then 'dbcreationdate'
when 3 then 'dbsize'
--when 4 then 'avispace'
--when 5 then 'dbsize+avispace'
else 'DBname' end+' '+case @orderby when 1 then 'asc' when 0 then 'desc'end +''

exec (@sqlstring)

drop table #spacetemp
drop table #stemp



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