
Showing posts from 2014

SQL Server Functions

SQL Server Functions -- PARSE     SELECT PARSE ( 'Monday, 13 December 2010' AS date USING 'en-GB' ) AS OrderDate , PARSE ( '£345.98' AS money USING 'en-GB' ) AS OrderAmount -- TRY_PARSE     SELECT TRY_PARSE ( 'Monday, 32 December 2010' AS date USING 'en-US' ) AS OrderDate , TRY_PARSE ( '£345.98' AS money USING 'en-US' ) AS OrderAmount -- TRY_CONVERT     SELECT TRY_CONVERT ( float , '1.2' ), TRY_CONVERT ( int , 'One' )     -- DATEFROMPARTS     SELECT DATEFROMPARTS ( 2010 , 12 , 31 ) --DATETIMEFROMPARTS     SELECT DATETIMEFROMPARTS ( 2010 , 12 , 31 , 23 , 59 , 59 , 0 ) --SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS     SELECT SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS ( 2010 , 12 , 31 , 23 , 59 ) --DATETIME2FROMPARTS     SELECT DATETIME2FROMPARTS ( 2010 , 12 , 31 , 23 , 59 , 59 , 1 , 7 ) --TIMEFROMPARTS     SELE...

Windows Function - How to Calculate Running Total

Windows Function - How to Calculate Running Total   Query used:   -- Create a view that sums sales per city per year           CREATE VIEW CitySalesByYear             AS     SELECT c . City , YEAR ( h . OrderDate ) OrderYear , SUM ( d . OrderQuantity ) OrderQuantity FROM SalesOrderHeader h JOIN SalesOrderDetail d ON d . SalesOrderNumber = h . SalesOrderNumber JOIN Customers c ON h . CustomerKey = c . CustomerKey GROUP BY c . City , YEAR ( h . OrderDate )       GO           -- View the data in the view     SELECT * FROM CitySalesByYear ORDER BY City , OrderYear       GO           -- Use OVER to show a running total by year     SELECT City , OrderYear , OrderQuan...

How to run SQL Script from a particular folder using Command Prompt

To run SQL Script stored in a particular folder using Command Prompt: REM - Run SQL Script to prepare the database environment ECHO Preparing Databases... SQLCMD -E -i C:\ETL_Solution\SetupFiles\Setup.sql

How to Start and Stop SQL Server using Commend Prompt or Batch file

To restart SQL Server, you can use below commands How to Start and Stop SQL Server using Commend Prompt or Batch file Batch file should be as below: @Echo Off REM - Restart SQL Server Service to force closure of any open connections NET STOP SQLSERVERAGENT NET STOP MSSQLSERVER NET START MSSQLSERVER NET START SQLSERVERAGENT

MDX Queries - Compare Current Month with data from 2 months before

Problem: Creating SSRS report from Cube, I need to write MDX query to compare current month with previous 2 months figures Solution used as below: /* Using Lag function to calculate before 2 Months */ WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Previous 2 Months] AS ([Date].[Calendar Date]. Lag (2), [Measures].[Total Sales Amount]), Format_String = "Currency" SELECT { [Measures].[Total Sales Amount], [Measures].[Previous 2 Months]} on columns , non empty [Date].[Calendar Date].[Month Name]. Members on rows FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]                                                                                           

MDX Queries - Compare current Month Sale with Previous Month Sales

Problem: Compare current Month Sale with Previous Month Sales MDX I used to solve the problem is as below: // Retrieve Number of Prior Periods WITH MEMBER [Measures].[PreviousMonthSale] AS ([Date].[Calendar Date]. PrevMember , [Measures].[Reseller Sales-Sales Amount]), Format_String = 'Currency' SELECT {[Measures].[Reseller Sales-Sales Amount],[Measures].[PreviousMonthSale] }  ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY [Date].[Calendar Date].[Month Name] ON ROWS FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]

MDX Queries - Current Day - Month and Year

Problem: Query to get Current Day - Month and Year in MDX /* MDX for retrieving current Year */ WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Current Year] AS     VBAMDX. Format (VBAMDX.Now(), "yyyy" ) SELECT   {[Measures].[Current Year]} ON COLUMNS FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]; /* Current Month */ WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Current Month] AS     VBAMDX. Format (VBAMDX.Now(), "MM" ) SELECT   {[Measures].[Current Month]} ON COLUMNS FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]; /* MDX for retrieving current Date */ WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Current Date] AS     VBAMDX. Format (VBAMDX.Now(), "dd" ) SELECT   {[Measures].[Current Date]} ON COLUMNS FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial];

MDX Queries - Parallel Period

Problem:  I had a requirement to compare current year Profit, Daily Turnover, and other measures with Previous year measures Solution:  I have used Parallel Period function to compare my current year stats with Previous year and MDX statement, finally I produced was as below: /* Final Query to calculate Requested Attributes*/ WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Previous Year Daily Turnover] AS ( ParallelPeriod ([Calendar].[Year Num],1), [Measures].[Total Daily Turnover]), FORMAT_STRING = 'Currency' MEMBER [Measures].[Previous Year Profit] AS ( ParallelPeriod ([Calendar].[Year Num],1), [Measures].[Profit]), FORMAT_STRING = 'Currency' MEMBER [Measures].[Previous Year Avg Daily Turnover] AS ( ParallelPeriod ([Calendar].[Year Num],1), [Measures].[Avg Daily Turnover]), FORMAT_STRING = 'Currency' MEMBER [Measures].[Previous Year Avg Daily Revenue] AS ( ParallelPeriod ([Calendar].[Year Num],1), [Measures].[Avg Daily Revenue]), F...